3D Modelling asset pack

Asset Pack

assetpack moodboard



Flaskfailed flask

This was a first attempt at creating a flask. Creating the inside of the flask proved to be very difficult as the inside was stuck as a cylinder stuck inside the model.


flask UVflask texture



Syringesyringe uv map

While UV mapping my syringe, I have learnt other methods of creating complex shapes in a UV map, such as making use of the “best plane” tool.  I feel as if I have improved in using Maya as this was more successful compared to my flask.


maya asset table



maya asset table

Final render

flask syringe scene final



I believe my models are relatively accurate in terms of their original concept design. I enjoyed creating the syringe in particular because the small cylinder used to represent the needle turned out successfully. At one point, during the creation of the flask, I created a second layer of faces inside the original model thinking it was what I needed to do to create a sense of thickness. I realized this was essentially pointless so it was removed.

During my UV mapping, I did not encounter too many problems. It did, however, take some time to fully understand how to create a UV map from scratch. After learning about “best plane”, “planar” and “cylindrical” mapping in lessons, I found this element in of the project to be easy. The only thing I believe I could improve on is being sure to apply my UV’s as large as possible with few gaps.

My texturing could be considered sub par. Although I have attempted to implement reasonable materials and colours, the end result was unsatisfactory. On the bright side this lack of efficient texturing resulted in a unique style that appeared decently in the final render, thanks to adding a “blinn” texture in Maya.

Due to time constraints, I could not add a third model, UV map and create a texture for it, so I am left with two models. I do however believe that adding other general models from other asset packs (E.G.: tables) and multiplying my own models could create a satisfactory scene.

My biggest issue when working on projects is self motivation and possibly time management. I find myself easily distracted from my work or I feel like working on other projects. I understand I need to motivate myself to keep working but do not know how.

Peer Feedback

The Flask

The model of the flask appears to be some nice work for a first time. It’s clear it marks the introduction of this project and learning into Maya as the proportions to the inspiration object seem a little thick and ridges are prompt. Most notably, the head of the flask makes it feel more cup like and like an object you’d see in a cartoon laboratory. That’s not to say that the feeling is bad, in my opinion, it’s perfect for the consistent feel of both models he produced. It’s a truly solid creation.

The UVing for the flask is well done. After seeing the model, you know what to expect in terms of dimensions and the UVing captures it and the little details (such as the ridge on between the head and cylinder) nicely.

Lastly, the texturing for the model is solid. The colours are very solid and well seen which goes back to the consistent feel I previously mentioned. From the lines of the amount of liquid inside to the liquid itself it does the job. The only thing I can’t help but look at is the solid grey of the flask itself. Maybe it’s just me but I feel as though it could be brighter or even the liquid could be a little darker with the grey. To be fair though, this was a first attempt and glass is something really tough to imitate.


The Syringe

The syringe is where Jackson shines in this project. The UVing and modeling show what he learned during the flask phase.

The UVing for the syringe is nicely laid out and kept simple. You can see the proper considerations for the folding areas and what exactly needs to be used. Overall, some really solid work here.

The modeling is well done too. Looking at just the model, I would’ve said the handle would be too thick, however, looking again at the final image, you can see the proportions are actually well balanced. There’s a lot more curvature as well compared to the flash and you can see the practice is well displayed with it.

Lastly, the texture. It’s actually perfect. The smoothness of it is approriate and the colour is well placed especially with the line amounts on the side.



While it would’ve been cool to see how the third model came out after all this practice, I have to admire that he can admit where he needs to work to ensure future projects are fully complete. It’s clear from the flask and, especially, the syringe that Jackson is learning Maya at a good pace and applying what he knows to his own style as we can see in the final image of them 

Targets – From my evaluation and my peer feedback, the key areas I need to practice/improve on are:

  • Self motivation
  • Time management
  • Colouring

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