Brooklyn 99

i eat babies

In this project, I was tasked to recreate a part of the intro sequence to “Brooklyn Nine Nine”. In this sequence, each character gets roughly 5 seconds of screen time, highlighting an action or pose within a 3 second interval, creating a bright colour surrounding the character and presenting their name. In my case, I decided to use a humorous and disturbing title to go with my pose (I.E.: “I eat babies”).

To do this project, I had to record some raw footage of myself simply doing something. I then created a mask around myself in After Effects and create a separate layer for it. This way, I could have a static cutout of myself separate from the background. Next, I colour corrected my background using RGB curves to create a Magenta coloured background. (In retrospect, I should have used a red background to further enforce my disturbing atmosphere I made with my pose and title)

b99 mask capture.PNG

To create the title card, I had to have it slide in from a dynamic direction. Like with the “Stranger Things” project, I created key frames in the translate bar. My title would then appear once the card was on screen and in position.

b99 keyframe capture

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