3D Model practice task

In this project, we were given a single day to model, UV, texture and render a 3D within the theme: “Junkyard”.

In the beginning, I was hoping to use a reference that would cut the amount of work required, given the time limit and my lack of modelling skills. I decided against this and challenged myself with whatever caught my eye when looking through references. I decided to use this item for my asset.

compressor1compressor2compressor3CONDITIONERCONDITIONER 2

These are images of the final render of my model. I made an attempt to use the extrude tool to bring out some details at the bottom and a small ring in the middle. I used the “insert edge loop” tool a lot to create separate faces to edit in order to create a rounder top.

compRESSOR uv.png

By the time I finished modelling, I only had less than an hour to texture and UV. I created this UV map by adding a “best plane” UV which generates the UV map on its own. This is usually the incorrect way to do it, but I was running out of time to work on this project and I was having issues separating cylindrical UV’s. I also did not have enough time to apply an accurate texture so I just decided against it and moved on.

Overall, I feel as if this project went poorly. We were only given a day to work on this and I only got 3 hours. This task was very stressful for me since I am not very good with modelling tasks. This project has taught me not to leave tasks until the last minute, despite me knowing not to do that anyway.

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